
Critical Information: How Stealth Euthanasia has Co-opted End of Life Care

Feast of St. Bede the Venerable May 25, 2024 Friends of LifeTree, Here is a link to our thoroughly researched and documented history of how the advocates of stealth euthanasia have created and developed today’s palliative care to be their tool for changing how … Continue readingCritical Information: How Stealth Euthanasia has Co-opted End of Life Care

Who’s Who in the Covid Criminal Network

February 18, Feast of St. Simon Friends of LifeTree, A diagram of the COVID Criminal Network is more complicated than you can ever imagine!  Inside this Mercola link is a way to find the pdf of a 170 page document[1], a document which explains … Continue readingWho’s Who in the Covid Criminal Network


January 25, 2022, Eve of the Feast of St. Athanasius Friends of LifeTree, The signs of the times struck again in Europe last Sunday, January 23rd! Police in Brussels literally used hose cannons to tear down the platform and shut down the Press Conference that was … Continue readingSILENCE IN THE FACE OF EVIL IS EVIL

Vera Sharav: Holocaust Survivor explains the 4th Reich

Feast of St. Catherine Laboure, Nov. 28, 2021 Friends of LifeTree, interview starts about 1 minute into this video) Here is a short summary of the first 30 minutes of a 2-hour interview with Vera Sharav. The history of the holocaust is most relevant to what … Continue readingVera Sharav: Holocaust Survivor explains the 4th Reich

The Origin of Covid-19

In a series of three articles Dr. Cuddy goes into depth stressing the connections between NIH (especially Dr. Fauci’s NIAID) and the Chinese military.  Dr. Cuddy offers the results of his personal research emailing people and searching the internet.  His conclusion is that there is strong evidence that the Chinese military was funding a ‘secret program’ going back to at least 2003 to develop a bioweapon that would have an impact on the entire world — the world’s economies, its healthcare systems and a drastic reduction in the world’s population.  Dr. Cuddy includes a report … Continue readingThe Origin of Covid-19