LifeTree, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) pro-life Christian educational ministry.
The LifeTree is a 23-foot frame strung with more than 4,000 pairs of baby booties, serving as a memorial and visual reminder of the almost 4,000 lives lost to abortion each day in the United States. Many of the booties, donated by mothers, grandmothers, and siblings, were given in the name of a child lost to abortion.
One note attached to a pair of baby booties hanging on the LifeTree, for example, reads, “For a Would-Be 16-Year-Old.”
Bishop Joseph Gossman of the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina dedicated the LifeTree during the Jan. 17, 1998, March for Life in Raleigh. Since then, the tree has traveled to North Carolina State University, Cardinal Gibbons High School in Raleigh, Conover NC Lutherans for Life, and parishes in Raleigh, Wilmington, Fayetteville, and Southport.
LifeTree’s original mission has been expanded into an educational effort to raise awareness throughout North Carolina about the need to protect life, from its earliest beginnings to natural death.
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you…”
-God, to Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:5)“…as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”
-Jesus (Matthew 25:40,45)