This is a correction to the previous e-mail. The link for edition 2 of H572 is now included. Please speak out against H572 (edition 2) and resend to your lists if needed. Remember that this bill is scheduled to be heard Monday May 10 at 4PM in the full NC House.
Feast of the Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel, May 8, 2021

Friends of LifeTree,
We need to call our legislators and express our outrage that the stronger H558 has not been advanced and try to stop H572. Take a look at the bill (edition 2). This edition is labeled as a bill to prohibit mandating COVID vaccinations, but only in executive orders (EO), rules and by a government agency. You need to understand its history because there is a lot missing here. I explain below.
So I think what happened this week at the General Assembly in North Carolina is that they who are not our friends introduced two bills a few weeks ago with a “plan”—- H558 and H572. H 572 probably got little attention because edition 1 was about personal protective equipment so it just sat there. The other bill (H558) looked pretty good. It was a broad based prohibition of vaccine mandates, but no one in the House of Representatives seemed to have been out there promoting it.
Then late last week they went into action right before the crossover date of May 13. They let the good bill H558 die. Next, they gutted H572 and replaced it with a weak excuse for a “prohibit mandating COVID vaccinations” bill. They wanted something to please the public but wanted it to be weak. This bill will prohibit any executive order, any rule or any agency mandate of COVID vaccinations. It appears that they will give up that much ground in order to remain free to mandate vaccine passports in schools and for employment and private economic activity.
H572 passed the Rules Committee late in the day on Thursday. Earlier that day after they had changed H572 to the weak Committee Substitute bill, it passed in the House Health Committee. A bill with text that it did not have at the beginning of the week flowed through two committees in one day and is poised to pass the full House on Monday afternoon (session begins at 4pm).
No surprise, H572 (as it was changed on last Thursday) is suddenly on the calendar for the Monday before crossover day! It was so simple. Dirty tricks like that happen all the time when the bill is a game changer and they want to avoid any publicity.
If H572 passes (instead of the broader H558) they will put increasing pressure in various areas of our life to make people accept a vaccine into our bodies in order to participate in society, i.e. to buy and sell or keep a job.
The Biden administration announced in early April that “vaccine passports” would not be mandated and that there would be no database to track who has been vaccinated. However, I believe that at least one state (New York) already has a version of a vaccine passport called an “Excelsior Pass.” Given the trends the next step would be a system which would allow them to track us and put us under surveillance.
Why do I believe they have a plan to roll out vaccine mandates in schools and in the private sector here in NC? Because unless the legislature is willing to pass a real bill like H558, NC schools and companies in the private sector will be free to implement the vaccine mandate. We need to stand up and explain to people what is going on. Friends of Lifetree who live in states other than NC need to speak out for broad based legislation which prohibits these vaccine mandates.
Saint Michael, always be with us and protect us with your legions of angels.
Elizabeth D. Wickham, PhD