![]() | Feast of St. Aloysius, June 21, 2021 |
Friends of LifeTree,
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Interview 1647 – James Corbett Presents to the Corona Investigative Committee
James Corbett is one of my favorite researchers. In this interview (Interview 1647) above he explains that we are headed to a “bio-digital convergence” in which there will be a new form of life, not quite human, for those of us who are in the underclass. He explains that the same group behind “big oil” 100 years ago is still controlling the agenda. (I highly recommend Corbett’s 4-part documentary on Bill Gates and the Gates eugenics agenda of the Rockefeller family.) We are living the 3rd stage of the eugenics movement. He calls it crypto eugenics. A sub-human species will be allowed to survive only to be governed by the technocratic state elites.
As long as we continue to “play along” they will succeed. Total surveillance will be implanted into us who are no longer totally human. You will remember Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World of the little dwarfs and the super stars! There will be instant punishment for those who go outside the system. Already in a 2011 issue of the Harvard magazine a professor wrote about virus size, nano-scale, transistors.
The mRNA vaccines are the beginning of this biological transformation of the human species. You notice how they are almost forcing people to take the shot!
On a more immediate level, they mention in this video that the entire social system may implode when we are exposed to a wild variant of the virus this fall because the vaccine shot we took will make our immune system reaction be more violent. Be prepared. The media will ignore it or call it a new coronavirus.
The dangerous reaction we can look for is called ADE or Antibody Disease Enhancement. In reality, it is just a stronger version of COVID thanks to the COVID “vaccine”. I sent you information in a previous email about what to have on hand– vitamin D, zinc, etc. Here is good advice from expert Joseph Mercola on the immune system. See his section in this link titled “What to do if you got the vaccine”.
Here are two other sources where you can get expert advice in dealing with the vaccine: 1) America’s Frontline Doctors may be able to get you a prescription of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin or other COVID-19 Medications and 2) AAPS/Association of American Physicians and Surgeons who have a pamphlet available online “A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment Step-By-Step Doctors’ Plan That Could Save Your Life” by Editors Jane M. Orient and Elizabeth Lee Vliet.
For those of you in NC: You guessed it! It is my understanding that in NC the head of the Dept of HHS has made it impossible for lay people to get a prescription for Hydroxychloroquine. Not sure if they have censored the ‘miraculous’ drug Ivermectin in NC. Other states may well have the same types of anti-life people in state government.
In summary. They are setting the stage for future vaccines. PLEASE, PLEASE IGNORE the plea to get a BOOSTER SHOT!!!! (Also please pray for our children and grandchildren who may well ignore this plea.)
In closing, this video talks about how they are setting the precedent for future vaccines. People will be allowed, or not, back into society according to their vaccine status. Corbett and the others agree that only about 20 percent of the population see through what is really happening. They suggest we concentrate on organizing the 20 percent.
Do they have a suggestion? Yes. We need to work with like-minded people and try to survive with them. Build alternative communities where we can freely interact with one another. Forget about the people who go along to get along. Create what we do want to happen. BE SOLUTIONS ORIENTED!!
Elizabeth D. Wickham, PhD