Friends of LifeTree,
Feast of St. Pius V, April 30, 2021
This video is so very, very important. It is from a group of doctors who call themselves “Critical Thinking” doctors.
Urgent! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to Do About It
You will learn the bioweapon they are using is the spike protein in the COVID -19 shots. It is important to know that the shots are not a vaccine — they do not prevent someone from getting coronavirus-19. That was the big lie. This is a war between good and evil.
The video explains what is going on and has several suggestions at the end about what to do to help ourselves. First, do whatever you can to keep your immune system healthy. Second, high levels of vitamin D and zinc are recommended. For dosage, learn what your doctor recommends or learn from the Frontline Doctors who are widely on the internet. There are other recommendations in this video.
Pray to get a moratorium on these shots. Resist!! Come together. Get the word out.
Our fertility as a human race is under attack. Let me repeat what Dr. Larry says. People who have not gotten the shot need to get together. One of the reasons for the lockdown and the masks is to keep people apart.
Dr. Lee Merritt says that a small number of people at the top are driving this. It is their political tool. (From my research, the COVID virus is a man-made virus and their vehicle to a New World Order with a One World Religion. We are in the “Great Reset” which was planned over 40 years ago by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.)
They don’t want us to know about the treatments — those two medications ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine . Take off the mask. That is a control thing. This is a national security issue. We have to wake up the people. They are coming after your children. Fertility is at stake. Stop mass immunizations. I have already sent you an email on April 16 (Vernon Coleman’s video) about how the unvaccinated are in danger from the vaccinated.
Take action. Pay attention to the legislation happening in your state. Work for good legislation to make vaccine mandates unlawful. In North Carolina the House of Representatives introduced H558 to make the mandating of vaccines and vaccination of children illegal.
Our leaders are not our leaders. We have lost our media, our medical institutions, our government. We turn to God.
STAY AWAY FROM FEAR — STAY HEALTHY IN BODY AND SPIRIT. Pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Turn it over to St. Michael and St. Joseph and our Blessed Mother. Return to the Sacraments and know that God is in control. He will protect us if we trust in Him.
Our Lady of Victory, pray for us.
Elizabeth Wickham, PhD
Saint of the Day: St. Pius V organized a formidable alliance between Venice and Spain, culminating in the Battle of Lepanto, which was a complete and shattering triumph over the Turks. The day of the victory was declared the Feast Day of Our Lady of Victory in recognition of Our Lady’s intercession in answer to the saying of the Rosary all over Catholic Europe.